လက္ေဟာင္း (n) 1 sth tried and established./ 2 product of established reputation./ 3 genuine article.
လက္ဟန္ေျခဟန္ (n) gesture.
လက္ဦး (n) the beginning; the first. (v) take one jump ahead of others.
လက္ဦးဆရာ (n) [one’s] first teacher; mentor.
လက္ဦးဆံုး (adv) first and foremost.
လက္ဦးလက္ဖ်ား (n) first fruits.
လက္အုိး (n) 1 girth of the arm where it joins the shoulder; deltoid region./ 2 armhole.
လက္ေအာက္ (n) 1 subordinate./ 2 state of being under sb’s domination.
လက္ေအာက္ခံ (n) subordinate.
လက္ေအာက္ငယ္သား (n) person who serves under someone in office; underling; subordinate.
လက္အိတ္ (n) glove; mitten; gauntlet.
လက္အန္ေသ (v) [of hands] be numb with fatigue.
လက္အုပ္ခ်ီ (v) make a gesture of respect by putting the palms together and raising them to the forehead.
လက္အုပ္မိုး (v) make a gesture of reverence by putting the palms together and raising them above the head.
လက္အံုသား (n) [of beef] meat at the shoulder joint.
လက္၂ (v) flash; glitter; scintillate; coruscate.
လကၡဏာ (n) 1 sign; mark; token; indication; symptom; characteristics./ 2 lines and configurations on one’s palms.
လကၡဏာၾကည့္ (v) 1 read the palm and interpret his character./ 2 have one’s palm read.
လကၡဏာေတာ္ႀကီး (n) the thirty two distinctive features or signs on the persons of the Buddhas and Charkravartins.
လကၡဏာေတာ္ငယ္ (n) the eighty detailed characteristic signs on the persons of Buddhas.
လကၡဏာပါးရွား (adj) [fig] poor. (v) be in straitened circumstances.
လကၡဏာဖတ္ (v) 1 read the palm and interpret his character./ 2 predict a person’s future.
လကၡဏာေရးသံုးပါး (n) the three characteristics of existence ie, 1 anicca [impermanency],/ 2 dukkha [suffering],/ 3 anatta [not self].
လက္ခ်ား (n) borax.
လက္ခ်ားမီးေပါက္ (n) backed or heated borax.
လက္တင္ (n) Latin.
လက္ထုတ္ (n) tree which provides useful timber and bark for treating dysentery.
လက္ထုတ္ႀကီး (n) tree which provides useful timber and bark for treating dysentery.
လက္ထုတ္သိမ္ (n) medium-sized tree which provides useful timber and bark for treating renal complaints.
လက္ပံ (n) red silk cotton tree.
လက္သန္း၂ (n) concise commentary on အဘိဓမၼာ.

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